Volunteer Request Form

Volunteer Request Form

Welcome to the Mary Ellen Brandell Volunteer Center's Volunteer Request Form! The Volunteer Center is here to help you get the word out about your organization's volunteer needs and help you reach our student population here at Central Michigan University! If you have not done so previously, we have a volunteer request form that you can fill out whenever you are in need of volunteers for an event, program, etc. These volunteer needs will get posted to our Engage Central volunteer database that all CMU students have access to. Please try to have this form filled out at least two weeks before your event. 

Although we post events to suit your organization's volunteer needs, you will not have the opportunity to check who has RSVP'd to the event. If you have any questions or want to know how many volunteers have RSVP'd, please contact the Volunteer Center at volunteer.center@cmich.edu.

To request that a volunteer opportunity be placed on Central Michigan University's Mary Ellen Brandell Volunteer Center database, please complete and submit this form. If you have any questions, please call 989-774-7685 or stop in the Volunteer Center, located in the room 106 of the Bovee University Center.


Are you a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization?

For more information on 501 (c)(3) organizations please visit www.irs.gov